Valley of Wine


Requirements for the qualification of instructors of the maritime educational institutions and training centers are prescribed by the Cabinet Regulation No. 710 “Regulations Regarding Certification, Implementation and Monitoring of Professional Training Programs for Seafarers” adopted 15 December 2015.

The education and training program of seafarers shall be delivered, and the acquisition process shall be evaluated by an instructor-assessor certified by the Registry of Seamen. This requirement shall not apply to the tutor of the education program who teaches a subject not related to the acquisition of competence specified in the STCW Convention

In order to qualify for the delivery of an education or training program of seafarers, and to assess the knowledge and proficiency of students, the instructor-assessor shall be trained in compliance with Regulation I/6 of the STCW Convention and qualified in  the respective field. The compliance to the requirements of the STCW Convention is certified by a certificate of instructor-assessor issued by the Registry of Seamen.

In order to receive a certificate of instructor-assessor, the person shall be trained in methods of delivery and evaluation, as well as maritime regulatory enactments. The training course of instructors-assessors can be acquired at the Center of Adult Education of Latvia, Maritime Academy, Liepaja Marine College or Novikontas Maritime College.

In addition, the instructor-assessor who conducts training on a training simulator shall be trained for use of the particular training simulator.

Valley of Wine

Aleksejs Vlasovs

Instructor – Assessor, Maritime simulator (TRANSAS) expert, Lecturer at Maritime training center, IT Web administrator, working at LAPA Ltd. Latvian Maritime Training Center from September 2011.

Train the trainee IMO model courses:

  • IMO model course 1.07 Radar Navigation – Operational level
  • IMO model course 1.08 Radar Navigation – Management level
  • IMO model course 1.23 Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats
  • IMO model course 1.25 General Operator’s Certificate for the GMDSS
  • IMO model course 1.27 Operational use of Electronic Chart Display and Information Systems

Train the trainee TRANSAS simulators:

  • TRANSAS simulator NTPRO 5000 with Navi Sailor ECDIS 4000 and Radar Arpa
  • TRANSAS simulator NTPRO 5000 with Navi-planer 4000

IT Web administrator & web designer:
